Bambu em consorcios
jueves, 21 noviembre 2024
As plantas de bambu têm um enorme crescimento, o que leva ao sombreamento
do solo, e possuem um sistema radicular vigoroso e abundante. Assim, a
competição por água, luz e nutrientes limitam o desenvolvimento de outras
culturas nos bosques de bambu. No entanto, é possível cultivar outras espécies
em consórcio com bambu se houver controle sobre os fatores de competição.
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martes, 05 noviembre 2024
Bamboo plants have a huge growth that lead to shading soil in association with a vigorous and abundant root system. Thus, competition for water, light and nutrients limit the development of intercrops between bamboo groves. However, it is possible to cultivate other plant species in consortium with bamboo if there are control on the competition factors.
This would allow optimizing the use of natural resources and increasing productivity by area, combining, for example, fruit crops, bamboo shoots, and bamboo sticks. Successive harvests of different products over time would provide increase and diversification in the farmers’ income source.