domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
Cosechar, Preparar, cocinar y comer los brotes. Antes de ir al bosque para cosechar los brotes de bambú, afilar la pala. Con un borde afilado como cuchillo, su trabajo será más fácil. Tome una lima para retocar el borde a lo largo mientras trabaja. Decida qué brotes deben convertirse en culmos.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
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Catálogo de recursos gastronómicos de México. 168 recetas
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
Con el propósito de estrechar los lazos entre los sectores de cultura y turismo y buscando generar una paleta de herramientas que facilitaran la lectura de la riqueza gastronómica de nuestro país, entendida como un importantísimo factor de identidad cultural y también como un activo recurso para afianzar la oferta turística de México, el Conaculta se dio a la tarea de trabajar con los sectores tanto de turismo como de cultura de las 32 entidades federativas en la alimentación de una ficha de recursos gastronómicos.
Ese material —que incluye fotografías— forma en conjunto un catálogo de los recursos gastronómicos de México, una herramienta que señala y ponen en valor la riqueza alimentaria que define a cada una de las 32 entidades de nuestro país. Enviada por cada uno de los estados, la información se asocia en este cuaderno a las 10 Rutas de México que promueve la Secretaría de Turismo con el fin de reforzar su contenido cultural, y de ofrecer —como otro elemento para la reflexión y planeación—, cierto reflejo de lo que cada entidad considera característicamente propio.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
La culinaria o arte culinario es una forma creativa de preparar los alimentos. Depende mucho de la cultura y su forma de prepararlos. Así como de los rituales sociales establecidos alrededor de la comida. No hay que confundirlo con gastronomía, que engloba a ésta en un campo más general dedicado a todo lo relacionado con
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
Bioactive compounds in bamboo shoots: health benefits and prospects for developing functional foods
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
Juvenile bamboo shoots have long been used as food and in traditional medicine in many Asian countries, but scientific evidences of its health benefits have been highlighted recently. According to ancient Chinese medicinal books, the consumption of young shoots helps in improving digestion, relieving hyper-tension, sweating, preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The young shoots are delicious and rich in nutrient components such as proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins and bioactive compounds.
The health benefits of the young shoots are attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds mainly phenols, phytosterols and dietary fibres, which play a potential role in health promotion and providing protection against many chronic and degenerative diseases.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
Bambú: brotes tiernos comestibles serían un motor económico para Latinoamérica
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
América Latina puede volverse "muy importante" en el mundo del bambú, subraya Li Zhiyongr remarcando que el cultivo y procesamiento de esta "yerba gigante" puede ayudar a reducir los niveles de pobreza. Su aseveración se basa en la experiencia de su país, China, donde aparte de usarlo como alimento, "hay más de 10.000 productos derivados del bambú", lo que genera ganancias económicas diversas.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
bambu broto comestível
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
Broto de bambu, algumas espécies de bambu apresentam brotos comestíveis mais saborosos do que outras, como exemplos: Dendrocalamus asper, Bambusa vulgaris, Phyllostachys dulcis, P. edulis, D. giganteus, entre outros.
Uma espécie pode ser considerada comestível quando possuir baixo teor de
cianogênicos e estes forem de fácil remoção. Portanto, evite usar brotos de bambu
de touceiras não identificadas como seguras para consumo. No capítulo 2, deste e-
book, está apresentado algumas espécies disponíveis no Brasil já consumidas como
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
Bamboo Shoots: A Novel Source of Nutrition and Medicine
domingo, 03 noviembre 2024
This paper therefore provides insight on bamboo shoot as a food resource. Various edible species and exotic food products (fermented shoots, pickle, etc.) and recipes of bamboo shoots (bamboo beer, bamboo cookies) are consumed worldwide. Change in nutritional composition of different species of bamboo shoots with processing has also been reviewed. Bamboo shoots possess high protein, moderate fiber, and less fat content. They are also endowed for having essential amino acids, selenium, a potent antioxidant, and potassium, a healthy heart mineral. Occurrence of taxiphyllin, a cyanogenic glycoside in raw shoots, and its side effect on human health calls for the demand to innovate processing ways using scientific input to eliminate the toxic compound without disturbing the nutrient reserve. Lastly, the paper also reviews the utilization of medicinal properties acquired by bamboo shoot. Using the traditional knowledge, pharmaceutical preparations of bamboo shoots like bamboo salt, bamboo vinegar, bamboo extracts for diabetes and cholesterol control, etc. are now gaining importance.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
Bamboo Shoot as a Superfood
sábado, 02 noviembre 2024
World population projected to reach 9.8
billion in 2050 shall be a threat to global
food security
Annual production will need to rise about
3 billion tons from 2.1 billion today
Hunger and malnutrition persist and
continue to rise in spite of food supply
Policy makers consider the only solution
is to increase the yield of staple crops
and introduce underutilized plants in the
food system.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos
Bamboo Shoots as Health Food
sábado, 02 noviembre 2024
The idea of health promoting food is not new as Hippocrates wrote 2,400 years ago "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". Bamboo is one such plant which is also considered complete food as well as medicine in many societies particularly in East and South-East Asian countries. Many uses of bamboo, like baskets, scaffoldings, huts are often visible but rarely people in other parts of the world know that bamboo is also a very important health maintaining plant. In many ancient societies and culture like China, India, Japan and Korea, bamboo, particularly the young shoots, have been considered more than just food and medicine. Bamboo shoots are basically the young emerging culms of bamboo plant and appear during the monsoon season. The shoots have a crisp, crunchy taste and sweet flavour. And are used for making soups, curries, stir pies, salads etc. The young shoots are rich in nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and bioactive compounds. Bamboo is also a rich source of silica which is required for bones, skin, hair, tendons and ligaments. The health benefits of the young shoots are attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds mainly phenols, phytosterols and dietary fibers which play a very important role in health promotion and providing protection against many chronic and degenerative diseases. Now scientific tools and techniques have also proved that the old myths and beliefs that bamboo is healthy food are true and provide a number of nutritive elements and compounds which are very essential for our body. World over there are now a number of products from bamboo in the market for body care and good health. Bamboo shoot, rich in dietary fiber and various nutritive elements, now have become delicacy in all the up end hotels and restaurants around the world. Since the shoots are not available throughout the year, now attempts are being made to use the young shoots for fortifying various food items to provide people with a healthy food product.
- Published in BAMBÚTECA, Bebidas y Alimentos